I Love My Wife But She Doesn’t Want to Have Sex With Me

I Love My Wife But She Doesn’t Want to Have Sex With Me

It can be really frustrating when you really love your wife but she doesn’t want to have sex with you. If this is the problem you are facing right now, you are definitely not alone. There are many married men who are also facing the same problem.

In fact, I used to face the same problem. Fortunately, I managed to figure out what went wrong eventually.

Do Not Jump Into Conclusion

When facing this tricky situation, some men may find themselves saying ‘she doesn’t love me anymore’.

However, it is important not to jump into conclusion. Just because your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you does not mean she doesn’t love you anymore.

The key is to find out why she doesn’t want to have sex with you. Jumping into conclusion or trying to read your wife’s mind is not going to help the marriage or improve the situation.

Do Not Leave It Alone – It Can Hurt Your Marriage

Other men may decide not to do anything about it or just let ‘nature takes its course’. Unfortunately, for this type of situation, nature is probably not going to take the course you want.

Therefore, it is important that you do something about it. Lack of sex and intimacy can hurt a marriage.

Why Your Wife Doesn’t Want to Make Love?

There are a few possible reasons why your wife doesn’t want to make love. Let’s take a look at them now.

1. Baby Factor

If your wife has just given birth, her sexual desire will be at an ‘all time low’. This is perfectly normal. At this point in time, all her attention will be on her newborn.

Although this factor is pretty obvious, some men are not aware of it. I have seen men complaining about not having sex for 2 months after delivery. That is why I decided to talk about this ‘obvious’ factor.

If this is the situation you are facing, don’t worry. Your wife’s sexual desire should come back in a few months time.

2. Your Wife Is Not Enjoying Sex With You But She Is Not Telling You

This is a more serious problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Usually, a woman will not directly tell her husband that she is not enjoying sex with him. That is why a lot of women fake orgasm in the first place.

Women hate faking orgasm but they do so because they don’t want to hurt their husband’s feelings. If your wife is not enjoying sex with you and she is not telling you, it is because she loves you and does not want to hurt your feelings.

On the other hand, she is not enjoying the experience. That is why she doesn’t want to make love.

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